Technological Methodology of Book-keeping Outsourcing & Remote Sourcing
For the actual execution of work, we will need to exchange information with the Overseas CPA/CA/Bookkeeper (hereinafter called overseas counterpart).
Overseas counterpart will give us the input data (scanned documents) and we shall give them output data after processing their input data.
For such exchange of information, a media has to be selected. Following are the options of media, from which the overseas counterpart can choose:
Overseas counterpart will give us the input data (scanned documents) and we shall give them output data after processing their input data.
For such exchange of information, a media has to be selected. Following are the options of media, from which the overseas counterpart can choose:
1. We can download input/ upload output on server of overseas counterpart or
2. Overseas counterpart can upload input/ download output from our secure cloud server or
3. Overseas counterpart can fax input documents and output backup files be sent on your server or our server or
4. Email attachments can be sent as input data as well as output data. You can choose the media according to your convenience.
2. Overseas counterpart can upload input/ download output from our secure cloud server or
3. Overseas counterpart can fax input documents and output backup files be sent on your server or our server or
4. Email attachments can be sent as input data as well as output data. You can choose the media according to your convenience.